Monday 8 October 2007

Getting Started!

Hi, Wecolme to my Blog.
I haven't been very well so I missed the first Marketing Communications lesson.
Not a good time to be ill coz I seemed to have missed quite a lot!
I found out what I missed when I went to uni today so here I am writing my first blog entry! (Actually it's my second but I have not idea what happened to the first one)

I like the sound of the project and think it's gonna be interesting. I don't want to choose a brand that already has a fragrance which is going to be difficult coz I can't even think of a brand that dosen't have one!

Also, I need to choose a brand that I will be able to find a lot of info on. I got stuck last year when I coundn't find certain info that I needed because of the company I chose. I'm going to do some resaerch before I choose the brand anyway.

I really want to get started taking photos and looking for thinngs that are going to inspire my project, so I'm going to get on with that before next lesson.

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