Saturday 24 November 2007

I'm not happy!

It's 9 on sat morning ive been up 4 bout half an hour doing the marketing project coz I'm desperate to get most of it finished this weekend!
I realised I still haven't my photos on the blog so I thought I'd do that now and I can't find the lead for my camera anywhere. My brother might have put it somewhere coz he is annoying like that but if not I don't know how I'm gonna use my camera! I really need them photos for the project as well. I'll just have to wait till my brother gets home.

On the good side though I think the project is going ok. Hopefully will be able to see Jon next week to make sure I've included everything and I'm on the right track. Found out we have to include a budget now which I didn't think we had to do. I'm finding it really hard to find out how much it would actually cost to produce all the perfume and bottles so need to spk to Jon about that.

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